You need to get an instance of the SharedPreferences.Editor and carry
out all your operations on it.

Try this.

SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putString( "DrinkName" , "chai");

SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
String favdrink = prefs.getString( "DrinkName" , "" ); //it should
return chai

Every call to getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit() is returning a new
instance of the SharedPreferences.Editor object which is never being
committed, hence you don't see your values being saved.

For more details, check out

Hope this helps,

Balwinder Kaur
Open Source Development Center
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together

The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Jun 22, 8:15 pm, wrote:
> I have a screen where a user can enter information about a Favorite drink.  I 
> want to save it to be recalled in the current an future sessions, but the 
> save doesn't seem to be working.  Here is my code where I do the save.
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putString( "DrinkName" , FavName);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putFloat( "Volume" , ( float ) AlcVol);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putFloat( "Percent" , ( float ) 
> AlcPerc);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().commit(); MODE_PRIVATE 
> ).edit().putString( "DrinkName" , FavName);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putFloat( "Volume" , ( float ) AlcVol);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putFloat( "Percent" , ( float ) 
> AlcPerc);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().commit(); MODE_PRIVATE 
> ).edit().putFloat( "Volume" , ( float ) AlcVol);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().putFloat( "Percent" , ( float ) 
> AlcPerc);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().commit(); MODE_PRIVATE 
> ).edit().putFloat( "Percent" , ( float ) AlcPerc);
> getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).edit().commit(); MODE_PRIVATE 
> ).edit().commit();
> Here is the code where I try to retrieve the saved infromation.
> String strName = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getString( "DrinkName" , "" );
> float fVolume = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Volume" , ( float ) 
> 0.0);
> float fPercent = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Precent" , ( float 
> ) 0.0); MODE_PRIVATE ).getString( "DrinkName" , "" );
> float fVolume = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Volume" , ( float ) 
> 0.0);
> float fPercent = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Precent" , ( float 
> ) 0.0); float fVolume = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Volume" , ( 
> float ) 0.0);
> float fPercent = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Precent" , ( float 
> ) 0.0); float fPercent = getPreferences( MODE_PRIVATE ).getFloat( "Precent" , 
> ( float ) 0.0);
> When I retrieve the information, I always end up with the Default values.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Kevin
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