Jason Van Anden wrote:
> I
> assumed when the Activity was activated it would call onCreate, or
> startActivity ... or something else where I could retrieve the extras
> from.  onResume gets called - but when it gets called, the intent has
> changed via LogCat

That certainly would not have been my expectation, but the whole Android
task model makes my head hurt...which is one of the reasons I don't have
a chapter on it in any of my books. :-(

Have you tried hooking onRestart() or onStart() and see if the desired
extras are available at that point? Or maybe onNewIntent()?

Have you tried adding Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK as a flag on the
PendingIntent you are handing to the Notification? It's possibly that
the "forcing Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK" is somehow contributing to
your woe. You would need this, for example, if your service is a remote
service, in its own application, rather than a local service in the same
application as your activity.

Have you tried FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT with your PendingIntent?

And why do you think your app is blah? You might hurt your app's
feelings with that attitude... ;-)

> This is where either I am totally confused or my
> paradigm needs some major shifting.

In a pinch, can you have your activity call into your service, in effect
asking "ummmm...you rang?", and get the details you need that way?
Extras would seem to be preferable, but I'm trying to think of
alternatives in case this all gets too painful.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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