Persona wrote:
> Hello, the following code uses POST method to communicate with the Web
> Server, and the response is displayed in the console (not parsed in a
> Servlet, etc). When compiled as a java application, the program works
> as expected returning the response as html text.
> My aim is to have an Android app that will communicate with servers
> using various protocols- and I am using this as an example in learning
> how that technique can be done. Therefore I would wish Android to get
> the response, and displaying it in 'TextView?' or somewhere. I thought
> this was going to be a straight-forward thing, but I have been stuck
> at this point for days now.
> Can somebody assist if possible.

You should try some of the tutorials on
What you have is fine for desktop Java but bears little resemblance to
an Android app, any more than it bears much resemblance to a Swing or
SWT app.

Step #1: Get the Hello, World tutorial working

Step #2: Read up on AsyncTask

Step #3: Create an AsyncTask that, in its doInBackground() method, does
your HTTP processing, and in its onPostExecute() method, updates the
TextView widget

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

_Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 In Print!

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