Thank yu sooo much for yur assistance. Everything went smoothly.
One last request cn yu snd me a link of a website, that can show me how to
use eclipse bcuz the android developer website is a little complicated for a

On Jul 14, 2009 7:54 PM, "Yusuf T. Mobile" <> wrote:

Did you send this via twitter? I'm not perceptive enough to grasp what
is happening in your description, but I recently wrote up an extended
set of steps, including with regards to the AVD. I hope it helps.

How to install the Android SDK in two dozen or so easy steps
(based on

To write Android programs, you will need to download and install three
programs: Java, Eclipse and the Android SDK.
1. Java: this is the computer language you will be using to write
programs on Android.
Go to . Click on the
"Download" button next to the "Java SE Development Kit".
On the next page, select your platform (probably "Windows"), click on
the "I agree to the blah blah blah" checkbox (after carefully reading
the agreement of course), and click on "continue".
Download the file download link on the next page. Once it's
downloaded, double-click on the file to install it.

One point on installing files: if this is your computer, you can
probably install anywhere, and most programs on Windows get put in the
C:\Program Files directory. However, if this is for example a school
computer, you may not be able to put the program there, in which case
you can put it somewhere else, like the My Documents folder.

Now you have to tell your PC where Java is, because for some reason
the Java installer doesn't. On WindowsXP, right-click on My Computer,
and select Properties. Under the Advanced tab, hit the Environment
Variables button, and in the dialog that comes up, double-click on
Path (under System Variables). Add a semicolon and the full path to
the SDK subdirectory tools directory to the path. It will be something
like: ;C:\Program Files\java\jdk6\bin

2. Eclipse: this is the program you will use to program in Java on
Go to , click on "Eclipse IDE for
Java Developers". It will take to the next page where you click on the
green arrow to download.
Unlike most modern software products, Eclipse has not have a fancy
installation procedure. To install it, simply extract the zip file
into some director on your computer. This will create a directory
named eclipse. The executable program file is located in this
directory and is called "eclipse.exe". On Windows systems, it is a
good idea to create a shortcut to this executable on your desktop. To
do this, right-click on the "eclipse.exe" file and select "Send To →

Eclipse stores all its files in a directory called its "workspace".
When Eclipse is run for the first time, it will ask you where you want
the workspace to be placed. After this, you should see the "Welcome to
Eclipse 3.0" page. When you see this, you are ready to proceed to the
next step.

3. Android Software Development Kit (SDK)
Go to . Select the
the version for your computer. Your platform is probably "Windows".
When that file is downloaded, unzip it somewhere, such as C:\Program
Files. It will then be in C:\Program Files\android-sdk-something, the
"something" being the version number, like "windows-1.5_r1".
You have to tell your computer where you put it, because for some
reason it can't figure that out itself. On Windows, right-click on My
Computer, and select Properties. Under the Advanced tab, hit the
Environment Variables button, and in the dialog that comes up, double-
click on Path (under System Variables). Add a semicolon and the full
path to the SDK subdirectory tools directory to the path. It will be
something like: C:\Program Files\android-sdk-something\tools

Then tell Eclipse where to find it:
a. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Software Updates....
b. In the dialog that appears, click the Available Software tab.
c. Click Add Site...
d Enter the Location:
If you have trouble aqcuiring the plugin, try using "http" in the
Location URL, instead of "https" (https is preferred for security
Click OK.

e. Back in the Available Software view, you should see the plugin
listed by the URL, with "Developer Tools" nested within it. Select the
checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Install...
f. On the subsequent Install window, "Android DDMS" and "Android
Development Tools" should both be checked. Click Next.
g. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Finish.
h. Restart Eclipse.

Now modify your Eclipse preferences to point to the Android SDK
i. Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences panel.
j. Select Android from the left panel.
k. For the SDK Location in the main panel, click Browse... and locate
your downloaded SDK directory.
l. Click Apply, then OK.

Finally, tell it about the Android Device Manager, which helps
simulate a real device on your computer when testing your work:
m. Select Window > Android AVD Manager
n: Enter a name such as “my_avd” in the Name field
o: Select “Android 1.1 – 1.1” as the Target
p: Enter the full path of the sdcard image provided in exercise 1
(i.e. /my_android_stuff/EXERCISE1/sdcard.img) in the “SDCard” field.
q. Click “Create AVD”
r. Click “Finish”

Done! If you haven't encountered any problems, then you're ready to
begin developing Android applications.

Yusuf Saib
·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.

On Jul 13, 6:58 pm, stephen rigg <> wrote: > Ok I've
downloaded 1.5 sdk, relea...

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