Josh wrote:
> Is there a way to view the manifest for an app I have
> downloaded on my phone?

Not really. There are methods on PackageManager that you can use to
interrogate what is on your system, but they are not strictly "viewing
the manifest". If your phone is rooted, there are more options; the fact
that the emulator is, to some extent, pre-rooted is one of the reasons
why the Market is not available on the emulator.

> The second problem relates to developing on the emulator.  There seems
> to be no way of downloading apps from the market onto the emulator.


> For example, I know how to call the "radar" app, since it is listed on
>, however I cannot run this on the emulator because I
> do not have the radar app installed.  So how do I install apps from
> the market that I need for development on the emulator?

Here are two avenues:

Option #1: Get them from some place other than the Android Market. The
apps you seek may be on AndAppStore, or SlideME, or available for
download from a Web site, etc. If an app in question is not available
elsewhere, and it is free, ask the author to distribute it by some
off-Market means.

Option #2: Get a device and use it for your interoperability testing,
using its copy of the Android Market to acquire the apps you want to
work with. You will want a device for testing in general before you ship
your application, anyway. The emulator is designed for basic development
purposes -- the further out on the edges you go (e.g., sensors, camera,
real GPS, application interop), the more likely it is you will need a
piece of actual hardware.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

Android Training in Germany, 18-22 January 2010:

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