eitan wrote:
> of the books on android that are in print at the moment, can anyone
> list which ones cover cupcake?  i know the prags book has recently
> been updated for cupcake.

The digital edition of _Hello, Android_ (PDF, EPUB, Kindle) has Cupcake

Other than my book (see below) and _Hello, Android_, it is unclear if
any of the others are Cupcake-ready. The O'Reilly one might, since it
came out around the time the Cupcake preview did, but I haven't read it.

> second, i'm a little confused by the fact that mark murphy appears to
> have two books recently published:  'beginning android' via apress,
> and 'the busy coder's guide to android' published via commonsware.
> i'm curious what the differences between the two titles might be / why
> i might want to read one over the other..

Those two books are one and the same, in terms of core material.

_Beginning Android_ is the same as _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android
Development_ Version 2.0, except for a Cupcake appendix, minor cosmetic
fixes, and a better index.

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.1 has more
Cupcake material, but is only available in digital form (PDF and Kindle)
as part of the Warescription, along with the other two books in the
CommonsWare library.

Of the two, choose the Apress book if you want it in pre-printed form or
you can get it "free" through an existing Safari subscription, because
it's supposed to be available there. Otherwise, grab a Warescription.

Comparing mine and Ed's _Hello, Android_, his is much better on some
topics, such as 2D and 3D graphics. Mine are longer (~1,100 total pages
vs. ~200), which may mean I cover a lot more ground in depth, or it may
mean I just write a lot... ;-)

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

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