
Firstly, I'd like to recommend this article:

Secondly, let's solve your problem (which you can solve on your own
after reading the article). The Uri is not supposed to carry a large
amount of data. You don't cast it to huge objects and directly query
it for the information. Think of it as an address. When you have an
address and a mean of transport you can get there and find whatever
you're looking for. To the point, if you have an Uri, you can use
Cursor and make a proper query, which can look like this:

<android code>
                Uri u = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                Uri u2 = Uri.withAppendedPath(u, "1");

                // this is what you have
                // u2 == content://media/external/images/media/1

                String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA, /

                Cursor c = managedQuery(u2, projection, null, null, null);
                if (c!=null && c.moveToFirst()) {
                        String column0Value = c.getString(0);
                        String column1Value = c.getString(1);
                        Log.d("Display name",column1Value);
</android code>

Obviously, you can reduce number of columns to the one you need the
most. The less number of columns we have to return, the more efficient
it will get.

On Jul 22, 8:41 pm, Mina Shokry <minasho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> thank you for this great help but unfortunately this isn't my case.
> not me who created the cursor and iterate through it. I am just
> receiving the Uri from another activity via an intent. and it isn't
> good to iterate through all images to find one its Uri matches one I
> received especially that I am not sure it will always be a Uri of an
> image.
> still can I get the file name?
> On Jul 22, 4:04 pm, Kacper86 <cpph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > The problem is that it should be documented in the Android Reference,
> > here:
> >http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.Im......
> > But, as far as i understand, it's not complete. Fortunately, we can
> > check it in a different way.
> > <android code>
> >                 Uri u = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; 
> > //sdcard only
> >                 Cursor c = managedQuery(u, null, null, null, null);
> >                 if (c.moveToFirst()) {
> >                         do {
> >                                 int max = c.getColumnCount();
> >                                 for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
> >                                         String colName = c.getColumnName(i);
> >                                         String value = c
> >                                                         
> > .getString(c.getColumnIndex(colName));
> >                                         if (colName != null){
> >                                                 Log.d("columnName: ", 
> > colName);
> >                                         }
> >                                         if (value != null) {
> >                                                 Log.d("value", value);
> >                                         }
> >                                 }
> >                         } while (c.moveToNext());
> >                 }
> > </android code>
> > Check LogCat and you'll notice that we have all column names with
> > their values. I suppose, you'd be interested in:
> > 07-22 12:50:09.973: DEBUG/columnName:(3049): _data
> > 07-22 12:50:09.973: DEBUG/value(3049): /sdcard/download/vienna-s-
> > schonbrunn-zoo-and-giant-ferris-wheel-in-vienna-1.jpg
> > (...)
> > 07-22 12:50:09.983: DEBUG/columnName:(3049): _display_name
> > 07-22 12:50:09.983: DEBUG/value(3049): vienna-s-schonbrunn-zoo-and-
> > giant-ferris-wheel-in-vienna-1.jpg
> > If you have got any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
> > Greetings!
> > On Jul 22, 10:28 am, Mina Shokry <minasho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I am using content provider to access images in phone gallery and
> > > everything works fine except one thing that I want to get the physical
> > > file name of images I access. Can I get a java.io.File object from
> > > android.net.Uri object?
> > > if no, is there any other way to accomplish such a task?
> > > I just need to know the file name!
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