Mitch wrote:
> Is it reasonable/possible to directly share user written code?

Java/Dalvik bytecode? No.

Android Scripting Environment scripts? Probably -- haven't played with
it yet.

SIMPLE language scripts? Perhaps -- haven't played with it either.

Directly using a scripting engine like Beanshell? Yes, once you get a
Dalvik-friendly edition.

> Is it reasonable/possible to directly transmit an app directly from
> one device to another?

If by "app" you mean a full-fledged Android APK, no.

> What options exist for transmitting data and/or code?

Name an Internet protocol (HTTP, SMTP, FTP, XMPP, etc.), and given
sufficient effort, you can probably get it working.

The challenge is if you are trying to avoid an intermediary server.
Having device A upload to a server (e.g., HTTP) and device B download
from the same server is easy. It may not be possible for device A and
device B to directly talk to each other, particularly if they are not
both on the same WiFi subnet.

> If transmitting Java bytecode isn't reasonable, how does one go about
> directly transmitting data to another phone?

Ideally, you don't -- you use an intermediary server.

If I were you, I'd focus on a scripting language and some sort of
HTTP-based exchange via some rented Web host, at least for the prototype
of your app.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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