I see that you have changed the location of the user folders (in S:
instead of C:)

When the user location is not the default one, we have seen some cases
where windows reports the location of the user folder differently
depending on which API you use (the command line tool and Eclipse use
a Java API, while the emulator use a windows C++ API).

You can override the behavior of both by declaring an environment
variable called ANDROID_SDK_HOME
Make it point to your HOME folder (S:\Documents and Settings\Phoenix\
in this case) and both the emulator and the java based tools will read
and write into the same folder.


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Phoenix<phoenixsen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also have the same error.
> I've tried creating the AVD on the command line and via the gui in the
> Eclipse plugin.  Both created the AVD with no problems, but the
> emulator still cannot find it.
> I've tried running with the configuration set to Automatic, and to
> Manual and manually selecting Launch a new Android Virtual Device and
> checking the box next to 'my_avd', and the emulator still cannot find
> it.  I know it exists, I can see it in "S:Documents and Settings
> \Phoenix\.android\avd\my_avd.avd"
> I've tried stopping and re-starting the ADB server, stopping and re-
> starting Eclipse... nothing has fixed it.
> This is on a new setup, just set up today.  Eclipse Galileo, Android
> SDK 1.5_r3 for Windows, on XP.
> The complete console:
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] ------------------------------
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] Performing
> com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred
> AVD 'my_avd' is not available. Launching new emulator.
> [2009-08-25 06:11:11 - HelloAndroid] Launching a new emulator with
> Virtual Device 'my_avd'
> [2009-08-25 06:11:12 - Emulator] emulator: ERROR: unknown virtual
> device name: 'my_avd'
> [2009-08-25 06:11:12 - Emulator] emulator: could not find virtual
> device named 'my_avd'
> >

Xavier Ducrohet
Android Developer Tools Engineer
Google Inc.

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