
Thanks for your answer. Seems like problem could be Eclipse
I tried to add an local atchived  site to use Android plugin.

1 ) Downloaded the ".zip" file from :


to my local directory "home/username/workspace/android-plugin/"

2 ) In Eclipse :

Help > Software Updates > Find and install > Search for new feature to
install > New archived site.

I added the path to the ".zip" file :

Name : Android SDK Plugin
URL : "home/username/workspace/android-plugin/ADT-0.9.1.zip "

3 ) After validation, the "install & update" showed features to
install list (same as before)  :

Android SDK Plugin
-- Developer tools
------ Android development Tools 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621
------ Android DDMS 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621

4 ) I got the error below :

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the
requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details
for more information.
  ----- Current configuration problems -----
    Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
  ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
    Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
    Android Development Tools (0.9.1.v200905011822-1621) requires plug-
in "org.eclipse.gef".

Eclipse components might be missing in my default installation. I
previously installed Android SDK under Windows XP & Eclipse 3.3
without any issue. I might have a close look to eclipse...

On 24 août, 22:41, Tony Su <ton...@su-networking.com> wrote:
> Congrats for at least covering the likely SuSE specific issues and finally 
> arriving at what might be a more generic problem with the Eclipse Plugin 
> which ironically might be much easier to find the solution...
> If you're looking at what I think is your problem, the common solution is to 
> download the plugin to the local machine, then install thereby bypassing 
> whatever odd network connection quirk is widely reported.
> Tony
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: yodaa <yodaa...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sat, 8/22/2009 6:13am
> To: Android Beginners <android-beginners@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [android-beginners] Problem with Ecplise android plugin install
> Hello,
> I'm running Eclipse Ganymede Version: 3.4.0 Build id: I20080617-2000,
> under Linux OpenSuse 11.1 (KDE).
> I've installed Eclipse with from OpenSuse Open source repository. To
> achieve Android SDK installation, I tried to follow the official
> tutorial:http://developer.android.com/sdk/1.5_r3/installing.html.
> 1 ) I've downloaded the android SDK 
> :http://developer.android.com/sdk/download.html?v=android-sdk-linux_x8...
> 2 ) I unzipped the Androis SDK in the directory:
> /home/username/workspace/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.5_r3
> 3 ) I've edited .bashrc  : /home/username/.bashrc:
> Adding the PATH variable:
> test -s ~/.alias && . ~/.alias || true
> export PATH=${PATH}:/home/username/workspace/android-sdk-
> linux_x86-1.5_r3/tools
> 4 ) After reboot, I try to use (under Eclipse) Help > Software
> Updates:
> I got the error messsage "Cannot launch the Update UI.This
> installation has not been configured properly for Software Updates.",
> so after a bit of googling I follow edited the ecplise prefrences
> (under Window > Preferences > General Capabilities) and check the
> "classic update" box.
> New entry (also called Software Updates) appeared in my "Help" menu,
> giving access to sub-menus :
> - Find and install
> - Manage Configuration
> 5 ) I choosed "Find and install" > Search for new features to install
> > New remote site
> Name: Android SDK Plugin
> URL:https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> 6 ) After validation, The update showed features to install list :
> Android SDK Plugin
> -- Developer tools
> ------ Android development Tools 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621
> ------ Android DDMS 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621
> When I selected all features I got an error message :
> Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the
> requested operation and more errors would be introduced. See details
> for more information.
>   ----- Current configuration problems -----
>     Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
>   ----- Configuration problems after the operation -----
>     Resulting configuration does not contain the platform.
>     Android Development Tools (0.9.1.v200905011822-1621) requires plug-
> in "org.eclipse.gef".
> I also tried the "http" link instead of "https" but the problem
> doesn't seem to be related to network connexion or protocol.
> Any Ideas ? Thanks
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