yes. my understanding is that the motorola cliq is doing something similar  ... android, but with an altered front end. it sent a chill down my spine. IMHO, these companies should be putting effort into android to improve its theme mechanism until it can cover their needs. then we should be able to install the hero theme, or the cliq theme on any phone.

now, maybe motorola / htc would not license use of the theme on other phones, but it should be possible technically.

On 9/28/09 12:40 PM, Jonas Petersson wrote:
Jeffrey Blattman wrote:
android apps are write once run anywhere (in theory).
Technically, yes. However, my experience is that many Hero users expect 
apps to also LOOK like most of the apps that come with their Hero from 
the start and since HTC has significantly altered the look&feel an app 
that looks "normal" on the G1/G2 may very well be considered "ugly" on 
the Hero.

I've had one Hero user rate one of my apps with a single star just 
because of this (even though he claimed the app did everything he 
expected). Sure, I could dismiss this user as ignorant, but don't we all 
hope that every single noob should own an android? As Hero is the most 
common android around here, I decided to alter the way my app looks. 
Ideally there should be a way to skin all apps the same, but alas it is 
not there yet. Maybe we can hope for 2.0?

			Best / Jonas

On 9/28/09 12:16 PM, Eros Stein wrote:
Hi everyone.
Does anyone know if there are differences between the G2 and Hero.
Software differences.
Will the app I wrote for G2 work the same way on a Hero?

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