I've been trying to make a layout that displays something like a mini
spreadsheet that's specialized for my app.  I would like it to have
headers for both rows and columns.  The row header can only pan left
and right.  The column header can only pan up and down.

Hard to explain in words, so I'll try a picture (must be seen in a
fixed pitch font):

Stays| ... T3 T4 T5 ...
Row 3| ... 32 31  7 ...
Row 4| ... 17 21  9 ...

If the user pushes the image up the screen, row 3 goes away and row 5
appears but the header row stays.  If the user pushes the image to the
left, column T3 goes away and column T6 appears and the header column

Having the "..." continuation hint would be nice, but is not

I would also like to be able to have more than 1 header row and column
(the ones that stay fixed). The info in the upper left quadrant of the
spreadsheet would always stay put.

It would be good to have the spreadsheet retain orientation in both
landscape and portrait to allow the user to choose if the rows or
columns would benefit from more display space.

A nice feature would be to let the user resize rows and/or columns.
This would be especially helpful for the fixed headers as display
space is at a premium.

I don't see anything that scrolls right or left nor anything that
would scroll both right/left and up/down as would be needed for the
lower right quadrant so I'm not even sure where to start.

I suspect nothing like this exists as a single view I can simple drop
into my xml, but how would I create such a thing by combining other
views?  Is there some other way through code to do his?

I'm new so simple hints are appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

- Mitch

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