i am trying to parse an XML file using SAX.  The problem is that I
need to make the method Static because I want to run this method
inside the "onCreate" methods of the "DatabaseHelper" class (Which is
a static inner class).

This is not really an android issue but a scope issue.

The problem is at this line:
XmlListHandler listXmlHandler = new XmlListHandler();

Eclipse shows me this error:
"No enclosing instance of type SpellDroidDbAdapter is accessible. Must
qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type
SpellDroidDbAdapter (e.g. x.new A() where x is an instance of

     * Insert a List into the database from an XML file
     * @param xmlFile a List XML file
    public static void insertNewListFromXML(File xmlFile) {

        try {

            /* Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. */
            SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();

            /* Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. */
            XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();

            /* Create a new ContentHandler and apply it to the XML-
            XmlListHandler listXmlHandler = new XmlListHandler();

            //Set the Handler

          // Parse the xml-data from our URL.

       } catch (Exception e) {
            /* Display any Error to the GUI. */
            Log.e(TAG, "List Insertion Error", e);
            //TODO display a toast to the user of the error

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