You do not download the android sdk to your phone, you download it to your computer and use it for development. Your phone should have android installed though.

Alan Cassar, Software Developer | Tel: +356 21334457 | Fax: +356 21 334156

Alan Cassar, Software Engineer | Tel: +356 21334457 | Fax: +356 21 334156
ricston Ltd., Northfields Suite 4, Independence Avenue, Mosta MST9026 - MALTA

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i am in need of help. i am trying to download android1.5 or 1.6 to my
phone, but i cant access it through my phone. do i need to download it
to my computer then to my phone? if so how do i do that?

On Sep 15, 6:22 pm, Xavier Ducrohet <> wrote:

Xavier Ducrohet
Android Developer Tools Engineer
Google Inc.


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