
I'm trying to create a shared lib written in c++. I followed all the
steps which are recommended to create the shared lib and to access the
native code in Android. But so far I couldn't succeeded in loading the
shared lib on device or emulator. When I tried to load the lib by:


I am getting this error:

10-26 11:16:57.269: DEBUG/dalvikvm(714): Trying to load lib /data/data/
com.android/libnative.so 0x435942a8

10-26 11:16:57.429: INFO/dalvikvm(714): Unable to dlopen(/data/data/
com.android/libnative.so): Cannot find library

10-26 11:16:57.489: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(714): Shutting down VM

10-26 11:16:57.489: WARN/dalvikvm(714): threadid=3: thread exiting
with uncaught exception (group=0x4000fe70)

10-26 11:16:57.519: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(714): Uncaught handler:
thread main exiting due to uncaught exception

10-26 11:16:57.671: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(714):
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Library /data/data/com.android/
libnative.so not found

10-26 11:16:57.671: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(714):     at
10-26 11:16:57.671: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(714):     at


Could anybody please help me out to resolve the above issue.

I also came across this post which says that if the code is written in
c++, we always get issues with shared lib.


Could anyone assert the above statement?

I'm trying hard to get over this issue but so far couldn't get any
fruitful result.

I highly appreciate for your time and help.

Thank you,

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