That's what Android looks like while it is starting up. You'll see
that when the emulator starts no matter what program you run. The
emulator can take a long time to start up. I've also occasionally seen
it get stuck while starting up. In those cases I've just closed it and
tried again and it worked.

On Nov 28, 7:18 pm, Mike Clark <> wrote:
> I am following the directions to create the Hello, Android application
> shown in the tutorial (
> hello-world.html), but instead of the expected Hello, Android text
> appearing, all I see are, first of all, the letters A N D R O I D
> onscreen for a few seconds, followed by a logo-like ANDROID word next
> to an iimage (of a stylized android).  Anyone know what I am doing
> wrong?  Everything I've done seems exactly according to directions. Of
> course, I probably screwed up somewhere, but I'll be darned if I can
> see where.

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