@Indicator Veritatis
You"re right about the tutorial name I've followed the tutorial called
"Google Map View":

There are some kown  GUI issues under Linux (thanks @greg, I noticed
this on the eclipse bug database, I also use Fedora 12 as second OS,
but I haven't not tried yet to install my dev environment under

I'm  running Eclipse Eclipse Galileo under Windows XP, so the GUI bug
doesn't affect the Windows version.
I hope I would be able to resolve the issue without running through a
full re-installation of Eclipse and Google APIs / Android SDK!.

On 8 fév, 21:56, Indicator Veritatis <mej1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> As far as I can tell from your description, I went through the exact
> same steps when I did the HelloGoogleMaps tutorial a few days ago, and
> everything worked fine. The new file was created and placed right
> where it should be when I clicked. The only differences I can see are
> things that should have made no difference, i.e., the name was
> HelloGoogleMaps, not HelloMapView, and I am running under Fedora11,
> not WinXP.
> Or is the different name the problem? The tutorial I did really 
> washttp://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-mapview....,
> it really does want you to name things "HelloGoogleMaps", and NOT
> "HelloMapView", even though the name of the tutorial is "Google Map
> View".
> Did you 
> dohttp://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/views/hello-mapview.html
> instead? They are very similar.
> But somehow, this does not sound likely, since you mentioned you get
> the same error with a non Android project.
> Oh, BTW: I am running Eclipse Galileo: I don't remember you giving the
> version of Eclipse you are using.
> On Feb 8, 12:39 pm, yodaa <yodaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for your response
> > There's no problem in the package name, the one I mentionned was an
> > example.
> > I used the same package name for HelloMapView class and other classes
> > in my android project (no big deal here)
> > I've finally  created the class manually, because I wouldn't able to
> > hit the "finish" button for the Create New Class Wizard in the IDE.
> > My project runs OK in the emulator...The "finish" button of the
> > "Create New Class"  Wizard is not greyed, that's why I can't figure
> > out how to resolve this issue.
> > I must mention that I'm running Eclipse under Windows XP
> > On 8 fév, 20:15, Indicator Veritatis <mej1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > Your choice of package name is suspicious. It must match the package
> > > name you used for HelloMapView. Did you use the same name? Was the
> > > finish button grayed out just before you clicked on it?
> > > Eclipse is buggy, but this does not sound like a familiar bug. You
> > > should have got an error message if it had trouble reading your
> > > project configuration to figure out where to put thenewclass, You
> > > may want to search the Eclipse bug database.
> > > On Feb 8, 4:19 am, yodaa <yodaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Somehow I didn't answered post to the whole group on last reply...
> > > > (@Kitzy: anyway, thanks for your feedback...).
> > > > I ] Steps to encounter the issue within an Android Project in Eclipse
> > > > IDE (Map HelloMapView tutorial):
> > > > 1.1 )  Right clic on my project folder
> > > > 1.2 )  New>Class:
> > > > * Source folder: "MyProjectName/src" (filled by default)
> > > > * Package: "com.mypackagename" (either tried manually & using "browse"
> > > > feature)
> > > > * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
> > > > * Name: "HelloItemizedOverlay"
> > > > * Modifiers: public
> > > > * Superclass: "com.google.android.maps.ItemizedOverlay"
> > > > * Interfaces: leaved blank
> > > > * Which method stubs would you like tocreate?
> > > > --> Constructor from superclass: checked
> > > > --> Inherited abstract methods: checked
> > > > And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything.
> > > > II ] Steps to encounter the issue within a regular Java test project:
> > > > 2.1 )CreatenewJava test project
> > > > 2.2 )  Right clic on my test project folder
> > > > 2.3 )  New>Class:
> > > > * Source folder: "MyTestProjectName/src" (filled by default)
> > > > * Package: "com.mytestpackagename" (either tried manually & using
> > > > "browse" feature)
> > > > * Enclosing type: leaved unchecked
> > > > * Name: "testJavaClassApp"
> > > > * Modifiers: public
> > > > * Superclass: "java.lang.Object"
> > > > * Interfaces: leaved blank
> > > > * Which method stubs would you like tocreate?
> > > > --> public static void main (String[] args): checked
> > > > --> Constructor from superclass: unchecked
> > > > --> Inherited abstract methods: checked
> > > > And clic on the finish button doesn't do anything: seems like my issue
> > > > is not specific to Android SDK (just hypothesis, of course).
> > > > Any feedback would be appreciated.
> > > > Thanks

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