OK -- I'm frustrated with this...

I created a SQLite 3 database on using on my laptop.  I put the file
bigThaw.db in the assets folder in eclipse.  I then deployed the
application to my Droid phone.  It's a bluetooth app and cannot use
AVD.  I've move the file around to several locations but cannot seem
to get it to open.  The debugger keeps telling me "unable to open
database file".  I've move the file around in several places and
changed the path to the file but cannot get it to work.

Where should I putting the db file i created?  I tried putting it in
one of the packages that did not work. I also tried putting it in the
same area where the manifest is.

Here is the code:

public static void connect(){
    if(D) {
        Log.e(TAG, "+++ Before connect +++");
        if( db == null  ){
            try {
                db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("bigThaw.db",
                 } catch(SQLException e){
                Log.e(TAG, "+++ Error Connecting +++");
                Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
        if( db != null && db.isOpen()){
                Log.e(TAG, "+++ DB is Open +++");

                try {
                } catch ( SQLException e){
                        Log.e(TAG, "+++ Error Closing DB +++");


Thank you,


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