A wrote:
> I suppose this is a FAQ but things are changing so fast
> that I thought I'd ask it anew.
> I want to install my APK file on an Android phone or two
> without joining up with Android Market.
> What is the procedure for doing this?

You can host it on a Web site, with the server configured to serve APK
files with the proper MIME type. Then, people can just download it,
either by browsing your site, or by you emailing/TXTing the URL to them,
or by scanning a QR code with Barcode Scanner, etc.

> Can I just copy the APK file over USB to the phone's
> file system and then click on the file in a file browser
> on the phone's screen?

There is no file browser built into Android. There are third party ones,
though, that I believe support this.

> Or do I need to use the 'adb' command to
> somehow send the APK to the phone instead of
> the emulator?

adb install -d path/to/file.apk should work.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Training in US: 14-18 June 2010: http://bignerdranch.com

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