On 19/04/2010 21:36, Mark Murphy wrote:
Tom F M White wrote:
Further to my previous email, I have sketched out how my Media Player
will work with the actual MediaPlayer object in a separate service,
MediaService. I can't work out how to make calls, and retrieve data from
the service. Following tutorials online has lead me to this:

MyApp.java - top level Activity, in onCreate():
MediaConnection conn = new MediaConnection();
StateApp state = (StateApp) getApplicationContext();
bindService( new Intent(this,MediaService.class), conn,
MediaView.java - View for playing media files, in play button onClick():
StateApp state = (StateApp) context.getApplicationContext();
MediaConnection conn = state.getMediaConnection();

MediaConnection implements ServiceConnection:
public class MediaConnection implements ServiceConnection, MediaInterface{

      private Binder service;

      public void start(String loc){
          MediaInterface i = (MediaInterface)service;
      public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName cn){
          Log.i("INFO", "Service unbound ");
      public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName cn, IBinder b){
          service = (Binder)b;
          Log.i("INFO", "Service bound ");

Which throws a NullPointerException at i.start(loc). Can anyone tell me
what I'm doing wrong?

Off the cuff, I would guess that you are calling start() before Android
calls onServiceConnected().

I'm calling start a relatively long time later, several seconds. Do I need to call onServiceConnected() myself?

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