So it is fair to say = Android bytecode != 3rd party code bytecode
from IBM or SUN or Axis)? So the reason I am not seeing the libraries
otherwise helped me compile my imported app in Eclipse) in the apk
is because they are not recognized by the Android platform? Unless I
the source code for all those libs and try to compile and fix the
millions of
errors that will probably appear, I won't be able to use them? Is that
a fair
statement? Oh o ...


On Jul 16, 4:31 pm, kypriakos <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I managed to compile the imported application (the trick was not to
> just
> throw the lib directory in the project but to also build a library out
> of  the
> jars and present that in the project class path). However, I am
> noticing
> in DDMS (and in debug perspective) when I launch the app that one of
> the
> threads quits and complains that:
> "Failed resolving Lcom/myApp/PeerToPeerAdapter: interface 211 Lnet/
> wlib/PeerGen".
> I can see the net/lib/PeerGen in the jar files included in the library
> that
> is in the classpath. Afterall it compiles fine. Why does it complain
> at runtime? Doesn't the Android plugin package what it needs in the
> dex,
> apk and res_ files before it deploys the app in the emulator?
> I could not find anything on this in the resources so I am wondering
> if
> anyone had this issue before - It could be trivial and I am missing
> something
> very obvious.
> Thanks

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