On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 6:32 PM, brucko <geoff.bruck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with you Doug on all points.
> There is however another benefit. The Warescription model. Since I
> started with Android about 12mths ago we have gone from version 1.5 to
> 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 and now 2.2.
> Books go out of date very quickly with Android.


To clarify, though, _Beginning Android 2_ isn't on the Warescription,
per se. _Beginning Android 2_ (published by Apress) is based on _The
Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_, which is in the
Warescription and updated more frequently (though I'm a bit behind on
that specific title).

BTW, if anyone has questions on these books, the [cw-android] Google
Group is a better spot than here for them:


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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