Thanks for your reply, and sorry for my late answer. :-)

I tried to get it running as a service but I don't really get how I
have to use services, binders and service connections. I'm reading a
book with an example for services but can't adopt it to my problem.
What I tried is the following:

I created one class for the service, which holds the variable for my

public class DatabaseService extends Service {

        public DbAdapter mDbAdapter;
        private DatabaseBinder mDatabaseBinder = new DatabaseBinder();

        public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
                return mDatabaseBinder;

        public void onCreate() {
                mDatabaseBinder.mDatabaseService = this;
                mDbAdapter = new DbAdapter(getApplicationContext());

        public void onDestroy() {
                mDatabaseBinder.mDatabaseService = null;


This is my database binder:

public class DatabaseBinder extends Binder {

        public DatabaseService mDatabaseService;

        public DbAdapter getDbAdapter() {
                return mDatabaseService.mDbAdapter;


And this my service connection:

public class DbServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {

        DatabaseBinder mBinder;

        public DbServiceConnection(DatabaseBinder binder) {
                mBinder = binder;

        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder
binder) {
                mBinder = (DatabaseBinder) binder;

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg0) {


If I want to use this in my activity with this:

        private DatabaseBinder mDatabaseBinder;
        private DbServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new

        final Intent databaseServiceIntent = new Intent(this,
        this.bindService(databaseServiceIntent, mServiceConnection,

        mDb = mDatabaseBinder.getDbAdapter();

I'm getting a nullpointer exception at the last line. I don't know if
I'm using it right (I guess not :D ), I haven't used services before.
Do you know why it is throwing a Nullpointer exception? Is this the
right way to use a service and bind it in the activity or should I do
it somehow different?

On 19 Jul., 00:30, brucko <> wrote:
> Bender,
> put your db in a local Service. Open the db in onCreate() close it in
> onDestroy(). Your Activities can bind and unbind to the Service as
> many times as you like. The system will keep the service running as
> long as  you have an activity in the foreground process bound to it or
> otherwise until it needs to reclaim the resources.
> Take a look at :
> but DONT have your binder as a non-static inner class as in the
> example - or you will create a memory leak and leak your Service.
> Instead, pass the binder a reference to your service in onCreate and
> get the binder to null the reference out in onDestroy

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