Hi, I am trying to make my way through the guide at source.android.com.

for some reason, my cuttlefish instance won't start. 

when i run "acloud create --local-image --local-instance"

it outputs:

Creating local AVD instance with the following details:
Image (local):
hw config:
  cpu - 4
  ram - 6GB
  display - 720x1280 (320 DPI)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/public/acloud_main.py", line 463, 
in <module>
    EXIT_CODE, EXCEPTION_STACKTRACE = main(sys.argv[1:])
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/public/acloud_main.py", line 404, 
in main
    reporter = create.Run(args)
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/create/create.py", line 256, in 
    report = avd_creator.Create(spec, args.no_prompt)
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/create/base_avd_create.py", line 
45, in Create
    results = self._CreateAVD(avd_spec, no_prompts)
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/internal/lib/utils.py", line 750, 
in DecoratorFunction
    result = func(*args, **kargs)
line 171, in _CreateAVD
    result_report = self._CreateInstance(ins_id, artifact_paths,
line 238, in _CreateInstance
line 657, in _TrustCertificatesForWebRTC
    if mkcert.AllocateLocalHostCert():
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/setup/mkcert.py", line 121, in 
    utils.Popen(_CERT_CRT_CMD, shell=True)
  File "/tmp/Soong.python_7p3bjgqy/acloud/internal/lib/utils.py", line 
1562, in Popen
    raise errors.SubprocessFail("%s returned %d." %
acloud.errors.SubprocessFail: openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in 
"/home/sudokill37/.config/acloud/mkcert/server.csr" -CA 
"/home/sudokill37/.config/acloud/mkcert/ACloud-webRTC-CA.pem" -CAkey 
-CAcreateserial -out "/home/sudokill37/.config/acloud/mkcert/server.crt" 
-extfile <(echo "keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, 
keyEncipherment";echo "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth";echo "subjectAltName 
= DNS.1:localhost, IP.1:, IP.2:::1";) returned 2.

I am a bit lost here if anyone can point me in the right direction that 
would be much appreciated.

for reference, I am running ubuntu 22.04.

thanks in advance.

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