acopernicus wrote:
> Also...has anyone successfully streamed .mp4 files to Android?  What
> is the quality like?  If it's not better than playing my .mp3 files
> off the local drive then I'll just wait until the performance
> improves.

Assuming you don't want *live* streaming, then surely all you would need
to do is to provide a way for accessing a URL to produce mp4 data...
i.e., put your mp4 file on a web server and access it normally.

As for quality, .mp4 usually refers to QuickTime multimedia capsules
which can theoretically hold a whole bunch of actual data formats. This

...suggests that mp4 files can contain MP3, AAC or ALAC audio, but
elsewhere it says they can contain Vorbis and MPEG-1 layer I and II as
well. *shrug*

By repackaging your MP3 file into a .mp4 capsule you *should* get
exactly the same quality that the original MP3 was (since it's the same
data, just presented differently). Whether you *actually* do or not is
another matter...

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│ "I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
│ telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out
│ how to use my telephone." --- Bjarne Stroustrup

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