Using the CameraPreview example and doing some image processing I
found a strange slow behavior in the Emulator. I have little
experience with java and Android (C/C++ background) so I do not know
if it is a true issue of the emulator or some strange memory/thread
handling that I am not aware.

When the application starts after the emulator starts, the application
is very slow (228 ms per frame).
If I press the "Back" button and then press the application icon, The
applications is about 4 times faster (64ms per frame).

This fast framerate will continue to work and will not go back to the
slow behavior.
I tried launching the emulator from Eclipse and stand alone. Also in
Windows and OSX and the behavior is always the same and happens every

To recreate the slow behavior I just added a couple of lines (intense
CPU usage) to the CameraPreview sample provided by the SDK.The
modified run() part is:

                public void run() {
            // We first open the CameraDevice and configure it.
            CameraDevice camera = CameraDevice.open();
            if (camera != null) {
                CameraDevice.CaptureParams param = new
                    param.type = 1; // preview
                    param.srcWidth      = 1280;
                    param.srcHeight     = 960;
                    param.leftPixel     = 0;
                    param.topPixel      = 0;
                    param.outputWidth   = 320;
                    param.outputHeight  = 240;
                    param.dataFormat    = 2; // RGB_565

            // This is our main acquisition thread's loop, we go until
            // asked to quit.
            SurfaceHolder holder = mHolder;

                // Added to check strange behavior
                        long timeMillis = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
                        Paint paint = new Paint();
                        paint.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);

            while (!mDone) {
                // Lock the surface, this returns a Canvas that can
                // be used to render into.
                Canvas canvas = holder.lockCanvas();

                // Capture directly into the Surface
                if (camera != null) {

                        // Added to check strange behavior
                    int b=3;
                    for(int i=0; i<100000; i++)

                                long timeNew = 
                                canvas.drawText("ms=" + (timeNew - timeMillis), 
10, 20,
                                timeMillis = timeNew;

                // And finally unlock and post the surface.

            // Make sure to release the CameraDevice
            if (camera != null)
Can someone test it and see if the results are the same? Any ideas?
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