Once again thank you for the feedback.

I would then suggest for someone to review the examples, since I'm 99%
sure that I got the Application suggestion, from an Android
Documentation example, I just can't pin point it right now.

Currently, it's working a lot better and faster, by using activity,
and start subactivity, since it's not launching a new Task everytime.

The "make your view an inner class of activity " suggestion, doesn't
work when we want to reuse a view, but for the other more common cases
it's fine, althought currently all my views are not inner classes (I'm
passing the activity, so no problem their now).

By the way, once we launch the application we get a Dark Grey Back
ground, with a Title on top, stating our application name, has defined
in the AndroidManifest.xml file and res/values/strings.xml, which is
perfectly fine.
However, all my Activities are setup so that I don't get a title or
even a status bar at the top, by having startup code in onCreate like
the following:

        /** Called when the activity is first created. */
        public void onCreate( Bundle icicle )
                super.onCreate( icicle );

                // We do NOT need a title.
                requestWindowFeature( Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE );

                // remove status bar, to get FULLSCREEN
                        WindowManager.LayoutParams.NO_STATUS_BAR_FLAG |
                        WindowManager.LayoutParams.NO_STATUS_BAR_FLAG |
                        WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN_FLAG );

                setContentView( new AppView( this ) );

Is there a way to avoid the Dark Grey background while the application
is starting, like setting up a layout.xml or similar, so that we get
either a predefined background or at the worst case a full Black
background while the application is loading ?

I have tryed using a loading something similar to a splash screen,
whcih loads faster, but I always get the dark grey background with
title to pop up before actually loading the first activity.

A hint for getting rid of this would be great !

Once again, thank you for the feedback.

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