That's because I posted the whole query and the whereClause is only
supposed to be "where association.parentid = 'guid'". I'm not sure how
to do the join here though. If it used a regular PreparedStatement,
it'd be easy :-). I'm just not used to doing it this way. Maybe you
can search google or the groups for info on how to do a join.

On Apr 9, 7:40 pm, SnowDrifter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I think I have the where clause setup right now but I can't seem to
> get it to work. currently I am using it like so:
> db.query("child", new String[] {"_id", "title"}, whereClause, null,
> null, null, null);
> my where clause looks like so:
> String whereClause = "select * from child join association on
> association.childid = child._id where association.parentid = 'guid'";
> where I replace 'guid' with my passed in guid for the lookup parent
> guid.
> I think I am doing it wrong since I get a error about a syntax error
> near "select". I don't believe I am allowed to use the where in this
> location but I can't find a function that will take it.
> What should I be using?
> On Apr 6, 12:59 pm, "Dan U." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I haven't tested this but it should be something like...
> > select child.* from child join association on child.guid =
> > association.child_guid where association.parent_guid = ?
> > And of course, you should change child.* to be whatever columns you
> > need and the ? should be your particular parent guid.
> > On Apr 6, 10:24 am, SnowDrifter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am trying to figure out how to create a where clause (I think that
> > > is what I need) to filter one table with the data from another table.
> > > I have three tables. One is for "parents" one is for "children" and
> > > one is for associations between these two tables. The way I have done
> > > this is using GIUD identifiers to identify the parents and children.
> > > In the association table I just have GUID pairs to show the
> > > association.
> > > So a parent or child table might look like so:
> > > GUID, title, data
> > > and the association table might look like so:
> > > GUID(parent), GUID(child)
> > > so I want to be able to do a query that does a query against the child
> > > table and returns only a cursor of children that are associated with a
> > > particular parent.
> > > I can't seem to find any good tutorials on how to do such a thing.
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