Hello everyone,

This one has had me stumped for the last couple of days. I'm trying to
create a MediaPlayer for a resource I have in res/raw, but I (!!!)DO
NOT(!!!) want to create it by performing MediaPlayer.create(Context
context, int resid), because I am experimenting with a few different
things and I do not want to immediately start blocking by calling

If I use:
MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(this, R.raw.foo);

The sound plays correctly, so I know that the sound is not the issue.
Notification n = new Notification( . . . );
n.sound = "android.resource://my.package.name/" + R.raw.foo;
myNManager.notify(0, n);

will correctly play the sound, so I know the URI I'm using is correct
(at least for that).

However, if I try

MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
mp.setDataSource("android.resource://my.package.name/" + R.raw.foo);

I will get a null pointer exception when prepare is called. What is
going on here? What am I missing? Is it even possible to do what I
want, and if not, why not? I've been looking at the bytecode for
MediaPlayer, and the only place context is used is for getting the
resource, so I know I don't have to worry about setting that. I can't
peer into setDataSource because it is native.
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