Thanks, Chris :-)

The mapping between mime-types and/or content URLs to content provider
interfaces sounds indeed like a very good idea.

I sure hope these issues will get their due attention before any API-
stable of Android is made...


Itamar Rogel, Briox

On May 5, 11:55 pm, Chris Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think you've hit the nail on the head Itamar.
> Why shouldn't I be able to perform arbitrary SQL join queries across
> arbitrary tables in arbitrary (sqlite-based) content providers? And
> why should a SQL-like API exist for non sqlite-based content
> providers?
> Perhaps the content resolver could be enhanced to map content urls/
> mime types to different content provider interfaces?
> Regards,
> Chris Harris
> Itamar Rogel wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > Having developed for Android, I have some thoughts about the content
> > providers API which I think might be worth sharing; I believe there is
> > room for some improvements to be made to the content providers API
> > before it is stabilized and would be interested to hear if there are
> > other developers who feel the same way.
> > What's wrong about content providers, you ask? Well, as the API docs
> > put it, content providers are meant to "encapsulate data and provide
> > it to applications through the single ContentResolver interface. A
> > content provider is only required if you need to share data between
> > multiple applications". So, content providers are meant to allow data
> > sharing between applications, and as such they must perform some
> > encapsulation over the data. The question is - to what degree are the
> > content providers meant to abstract over the data representation &
> > storage mechanism?
> > This is important because it deeply affects the way the content
> > providers API is designed, and thus on anyone writing or using content
> > providers. And it doesn't seem to me that the API, as it's currently
> > designed, makes a clear choice on this issue.
> > On one hand, while most of the content providers rely on an SQLite DB
> > for their data storage, the API does seem to be designed in an attempt
> > to abstract over the SQL database. This has various implications, such
> > as:
> > 1. Not allowing natural usage of join queries, even in cases where it
> > might make sense. The process performing the query is at the mercy of
> > the implementor of the content provider - did she choose to allow for
> > a specific join case or not? And of course, the implementor can only
> > support joins in an ad-hoc way, e.g. by supplying content addresses
> > which represent specific cases of joins, or by detecting columns which
> > belong in different tables in the 'projection' argument and adding the
> > respective table and adjusting the SQL query correspondingly.
> > Naturally, not every reasonable usage can be accommodated for this
> > way. (Personally, I've bumped into such limitations when trying to
> > perform some non-trivial queries on Android's built-in contacts
> > database).
> > 2. Compiled SQL statements can't be used, reducing efficiency for
> > repeating queries.
> > 3. Some useful SQL constructs (e.g. SELECT DISTINCT) aren't
> > accessible.
> > 4. Only string placeholders are allowed.
> > Direct access to the SQLite database would naturally make all these
> > limitations void (IPC issues aside, for a moment). In general, putting
> > the content provider in the accessing process' way to the data hurts
> > both sides: The accessing process loses flexibility and efficiency and
> > the content provider needs to perform various manipulations and
> > parsing actions in order to generate a proper SQL query to hand the
> > DB. And because the columns and table names are, by convention,
> > visible as constants,  there is actually not much abstraction going on
> > in most cases. Of course, we do gain inherent data sharing & lookup
> > (courtesy of the ContentResolver), and we do want a content provider
> > to validate all modifying operations, but the current API is simply a
> > bit limiting.
> > On the other hand, there seems to be an implicit assumption that all
> > data sources are indeed backed by an SQL database (specifically, by
> > SQLite). E.g., say we're implementing a non-SQLite-backed content
> > provider. What shall we do with the 'selection' parameter of the
> > query() method, which is effectively a WHERE clause? As far as I can
> > see, our options are mainly:
> > 1. Implement the WHERE parsing & filtering logic by ourselves - would
> > require some work for us to reinvent the wheel.
> > 2. Ignore the WHERE clause and instead perhaps give some REST-like
> > URIs for some specific specialized queries we predict usage for - like
> > is done i.e. in apps-for-android. This is fine, but obviously creates
> > a less consistent & pleasant experience for developers using our
> > content provider.
> > 3. Apply the query (including the WHERE clause) on a temporary memory-
> > backed SQLite DB built for this purpose. This would allow flexible
> > queries, but would probably be an inefficient overkill on a mobile
> > phone. Also, our data model might not fit the relational model so
> > well.
> > 4. Specify a different, simpler format for the 'selection' parameter.
> > Easy to do, but inconsistent with the API and less nice for a
> > developer using our content provider.
> > The rest of the content provider API isn't particularly adequate for
> > non-DB-backed content providers as well, i.e. the whole notion of
> > 'columns' and 'projection' isn't necessarily relevant for a document-
> > centric data store. I think there are many cases where we wouldn't
> > want a content provider to rely on an SQLite DB - it might rely on a
> > remote data source, an RDF triple store, some other storage mechanism
> > which is optimized for some specific type of data, etc...
> > Now, if we're building an SQLite-backed content provider, we can just
> > hand the WHERE clause as-is to SQLite, but then a user-supplied
> > parameter would rely on a specific table structure, negating much of
> > the abstraction's power (if we change our data scheme in the future,
> > we'll have to perform some preprocessing before handing the query to
> > SQLite)... Additionally, our data scheme is pretty much exposed
> > anyway, as we will (by convention and for convenient usage) define
> > constants for the columns, and we're probably just taking the user's
> > other query parameters (projection, selection arguments & sort order)
> > and handing them more-or-less verbatim to SQLite as well. What then do
> > we gain by limiting the developer using our content provider to the
> > API of the ContentResolver's query() method, except data sharing &
> > lookup? We can provide the missing features mentioned above and still
> > maintain the same abstraction level.
> > So, to summarize my view - the content providers API isn't designed in
> > a way that makes a clear choice about the abstraction level. True SQL-
> > bound content providers lose efficiency & convenience while exposing
> > quite a bit of their data scheme, and non-SQL-bound content providers
> > must bend to fit to the required API, which might result in an
> > inconsistent usage experience for a developer accessing that content
> > provider.
> > I think this can be remedied in several ways, including:
> > A. Offer a basic, generic content provider mechanism, where a specific
> > content provider can implement one (or possibly more than one) of a
> > few pre-defined interfaces - e.g. the two basic and most important
> > interfaces would probably be one that is SQL-centric and one that is
> > document-centric. In future versions of the platform, additional
> > interfaces may be added - e.g. a triple-store centric one. This option
> > introduces the developer to additional content provider interfaces to
> > work against, but I think it's better than having a single content
> > provider interface that is limited and behaves differently for
> > different content providers.
> > B. Enrich the content provider API in a way that allows efficient
> > usage of SQLite, but allows non-SQLite-backed content providers to
> > just ignore the extra methods / parameters (I don't think this is
> > elegant, but it will work).
> > C. Some other creative way that someone here would suggest :-)
> > I hope there's some Google Android team member reading this... Anyone
> > has thoughts about this?
> > Itamar Rogel, Briox
> >
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