I would love to hear any work arounds for this I have been struggling
with this for an age without realising its a bug!

On May 13, 10:27 am, Semeria Stefano
> Hello,
> My application is using a mocked location provider  and an intent receiver to 
> receive updates.
> During shutdown I first stop the location updates with 
> LocationManager.removeUpdates(), then I deregister the intent receiver.
> I randomly receive the following error:
>  I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.LocationReceiver: onReceiveIntent 
> called: My currentThread has this ID: 1 -> Intent receiver has called
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.ContactListActivity: onStop called 
> ...
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.GeoNavigator: Stopping location 
> updates....   -> Here updates should be stopped!
> D/LocationManager( 1101): removeUpdates: intent = Intent { 
> action=com.tilab.msn.LOCATION_UPDATE }
> D/LocationManagerService(  508): removeUpdate: intent = Intent { 
> action=com.tilab.msn.LOCATION_UPDATE }
> D/LocationManagerService(  508): loadProviders
> D/LocationManagerService(  508): loadProviders: already loaded
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.ContactListActivity: onDestroy 
> called ...
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.GeoNavigator: Unregistering the 
> intent receiver.... -> Here I deregister the intent receiver
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.android.MicroRuntimeService: Initiating 
> Stopping JADE...
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.core.FrontEndContainer: Container shut down 
> activated
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.MsnAgent: Starting agent takeDown()
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.MsnAgent: DS Subscription Canceling 
> message was sent!
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.MsnAgent: Deregistering from DF!
> D/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.core.FrontEndContainer: Local agents 
> terminated
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.imtp.leap.JICP.BIFEDispatcher: Sending 
> termination notification
> D/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.core.FrontEndContainer: Connection manager 
> closed
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.android.MicroRuntimeService: JADE should be 
> stopped now! Microruntime.shutdownJADE() ends!
> D/jade.util.Logger( 1101): jade.android.JadeGateway: disconnect(): 
> disconnecting from service
> W/ActivityManager(  508): Unbind failed: could not find connection for [EMAIL 
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.LocationReceiver: onReceiveIntent 
> called: My currentThread has this ID: 1 -> Intent receiver has called again!!!
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.LocationReceiver: onReceiveIntent 
> called: My currentThread has this ID: 1
> I/jade.util.Logger( 1101): com.tilab.msn.LocationReceiver: onReceiveIntent 
> called: My currentThread has this ID: 1
> W/ActivityManager(  508): finishReceiver called but no pending broadcasts
> D/dalvikvm( 1101): Exception Ljava/lang/RuntimeException; from 
> ActivityThread.java:492 not caught locally
> D/dalvikvm( 1101): Exception Ljava/lang/RuntimeException; from 
> ZygoteInit.java:1553 not caught locally
> D/AndroidRuntime( 1101): Shutting down VM
> W/dalvikvm( 1101): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception 
> (group=0x4000fdf8)
> E/AndroidRuntime( 1101): Uncaught handler: thread Main exiting due to 
> uncaught exception
> E/AndroidRuntime( 1101): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving 
> broadcast null in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ...
> It seems that the service that stops the updates is not doing it 
> synchronously, so updates continues for a while after the 
> LocationManager.removeUpdates() call returns. If this is the right behavior, 
> I guess that I should wait before deregistering the intent receiver...
> Is that right?
> Please help, this bug seems really nasty!
> Thanks a lot
> Regards,
> Stefano
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