Yes I believe the permissions for an application will come into play.

Android apps register for permissions in the manifest and that should
I think, translate to a user query (I seem to recall one of the
Q & A seeions going over this same question) when the appliation
executes so for your application to phone Fiji it would need a
(android.permission.CALL_PHONE??) to access DIALER permissions;

the problem would still possibly occur if the application masqueraded
a genuine user of DIALER so that the user resonse to

"Application X needs to be able to dial out - Allow Y/N" (or whatever)

would be a Yes, because it seems to be a genuine requirement - but if
then somehow went on to dial Fiji without the user knowing you would
still get the charge. My understanding is that the permissions are
specific so android.permission.CALL_PHONE allows an application to
access the dialer but not necessarily to have a "silent" phone
occurring in the background.

Here is a link to the permissions


On Jun 17, 10:47 am, MobileBen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a question concerning the security of Android.
> Example:
> I download a very nice program from the web which doesn't cost
> anything and install it on my Android-phone.
> When I start the program, the program calls automatically a number on
> the fiji islands in the backgroud and I don't get to know to it. At
> the end of the month I have a very high phone bill :(
> Is there any security mechanism to proof that sth. like this happens
> or to make a security on those basic operations like telephone-
> function??????
> Thx for any answer!
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