Kevin Tan wrote:
> Ideally, I would like to write some independent code that would
> recognize that the ctrl (or any key) was clicked when a 'file-like'
> selection was made in another application by the user.

For the purposes of this response, "your application" is the one with 
the intent receiver and "the other application" is the one the user is 
working with.

The closest thing I know of in Android that fits the bill assumes that 
each "file" is actually a Uri to some piece of content.

In that case, if "the other application" happens to populate its options 
menu using addIntentOptions() using something like this:

Intent intent = new Intent(null, myContentUri);

menu.addIntentOptions(Menu.ALTERNATIVE, 0, new ComponentName(this,
                        null, intent, 0, null);

Then, if you have an activity or intent receiver that matches the 
Intent, a menu choice will appear in the other application's options 
menu that, when clicked, will trigger your application with the supplied 
Uri. You would then, in your application, do something useful with the 
Uri (e.g., flag it for sharing).


1. You can't force developers to use addIntentOptions() in their menus, 
so your menu choice may or may not appear in any given activity's 
options menu where you might expect it

2. If you set your intent filter too broadly, you might get the menu 
option for a whole bunch of Uri types that you can't do anything with.

3. I think this only works for intent filters declared in the manifest 
(vs. any intent receivers you register on the fly using 
registerReceiver()), though I'm not sure about that.

Hope this helps!

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ -- Available Now!

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