Prior to release 0.9 one could do the following to open or create a
SQLite database:

try {
  db = context.openDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, null);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  db = context.createDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_VERSION,
                                                Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);

So if the application can't open the database it creates a new one and
creates all tables and inserts test data.

Now both methods are gone and there is a single method

This method doesn't allow the programmer to distinguish between
opening an existing and creating a new database.
To decide if it should call createTables() and insertSampleData()
additional checks are necessary.

Can someone explain the background why this change was introduced? I
always prefer a clear contract of the API like different methods for
open(), close(), create(). Or did I miss something?
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