In the documentation I find:

"Sensor values are yaw, pitch and roll. Yaw is the compass heading in
degrees, range [0, 360[ 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West
Pitch indicates the tilt of the top of the device, with range -90 to
90. Positive values indicate that the bottom of the device is tilted
up and negative values indicate the top of the device is tilted up.
Roll indicates the side to side tilt of the device, with range -90 to
90. Positive values indicate that the left side of the device is
tilted up and negative values indicate the right side of the device is
tilted up. "

The problem is, if both pitch and roll, are restricted to the range
-90 to 90, then there is no way to describe for example the "display
pointing downwards" orientation. One of the two has to be allowed to
go from -180 to +180.

I think it would make more sense to allow "roll" in the range -180 to
+180 and restrict pitch to -90 to 90, because then the top of the
device would always point "north" if yaw == 0.

Is this assumption ok?


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