In 1.0 you can't replace activities embedded inside of another (unless
you are running with the same uid as the container), you can only
replace the entire top-level container.

On Sep 4, 2:52 am, i_am_on_android <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to replace the default contacts view in the Contacts
> Application, but I get a SecurityException. Does it have something to
> do that Contacts uses TabActivity and each Activity is in a different
> process?  Could it be a bug in SDK 0.9?
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity
> ComponentInfo{
> java.lang.SecurityException: Requesting code from
> com.swisscom.test (with uid 10017) to be run in process
> android.process.shared (with uid 10004)
> Is there any way how to solve that?
> I was using this intent-filter.
> <intent-filter >
>          <action
> android:name="" />
>         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
> </intent-filter>
> The funny thing here is the following:
> I have two Activities on the same Intent. So, when I open the Contacts
> application, I get the dialog from which I can chose the Activity to
> show. If I manually select my own Activity in the dialog, it works. If
> I select it be the default application and it is started
> automatically, it throws the SecurityException.
> Regards,
> Reto
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