I'm not really sure I understand what you want to do.  The protocol
for PICK is very simply: the data is the URI of items you want to pick
from, and the result returned is a URI of the one that was picked, as
described here:


There is no EXTRA_INTENT involved.  As long as you have the data set
to a URI of items, and there is an activity that can pick from that
MIME type (which there may not necessarily be depending on what you
are trying to pick from), then it will work.

On Sep 4, 9:04 am, Mark Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *bump*
> Mark Murphy wrote:
> > I'm attempting to use ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY. According to the docs:
> > "Pick an activity given an intent, returning the class selected."
> > So, I've used ACTION_PICK to pick a contact, which I get back in my
> > onActivityResult() as an Intent.
> > What I can't quite figure out is how to construct the
> > ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY Intent. Again, according to the docs:
> > "Input: getExtra(String) field EXTRA_INTENT is an Intent used with
> > queryIntentActivities(Intent, int) to determine the set of activities
> > from which to pick."
> > If I'm reading this correctly, I need two Intents:
> > 1. One containing the Uri of the content for which I want the user to
> > pick an activity
> > 2. One containing the Intent from #1 above as EXTRA_INTENT and having an
> > It's a bit mystifying why I need two rather than just one (I don't need
> > that as it may, no matter what I try, Android 0.9 says it can't find an
> > activity to handle my ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY request, and so blows up with
> >   an exception like:
> > android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle
> > Intent { action=android.intent.action.PICK_ACTIVITY (has extras) }
> > Part of the problem may be that the docs *don't* say what the Uri is
> > supposed to be for Intent #2. I have tried the same Uri as in Intent #1,
> > and I have tried no Uri, and both have failed:
> > Intent i=new Intent()
> >            //.setData(data.getData())
> >            .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT, data)
> >            .setAction(Intent.ACTION_PICK_ACTIVITY);
> > where data is the Intent I got back from ACTION_PICK.
> > Any idea where I'm going wrong?
> > Thanks!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.1 Published!
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