Luckily, it's what I've done, but I will try to remember that for
future drawables :p

On 22 sep, 10:51, hackbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The <selector> drawable tries each item in order, until it finds the
> first that matches the current state.  So you want the one with the
> least specific state (in this case the one that requires no states) to
> be after ones with more specific state requirements.
> On Sep 12, 4:00 am, Guillaume Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I found two interesting drawables in ApiDemos:
> > <selector xmlns:android="";>
> >     <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/
> > black_opaque_box" />
> >     <item android:drawable="@drawable/black_box" />
> > </selector>
> > <layer-list xmlns:android="
> > android">
> >     <item
> >         android:drawable="@drawable/progress_circular_background" />
> >     <item><rotate
> >         android:pivotX="50%"
> >         android:pivotY="50%"
> >         android:fromDegrees="0"
> >         android:toDegrees="360"
> >         android:drawable="@drawable/progress_particle" />
> >     </item>
> > </layer-list>
> > I found no documentation for this kind of drawable.
> > In ItemizedOverlay we can use drawables with state_focused is handled.
> > I tried to pass the following drawable (bubble.xml)
> > <selector
> >   xmlns:android="";>
> >   <item
> >     android:drawable="@drawable/bubble_normal" />
> >   <item
> >     android:state_focused="true"
> >     android:drawable="@drawable/bubble_focused" />
> > </selector>
> > Unfortunately, my map always show bubble_normal even if there is a
> > focused item (I checked that).
> > I suppose I have to use another tag than <selector> but I didn't found
> > in the documentation which tag to use nor all possible tag list.
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