I sometimes see in my logcat:
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):
isProviderEnabled got exception:
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: provider=network
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):     at
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):     at
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):     at
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):     at
09-24 10:15:39.239: ERROR/LocationManagerService(58):     at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

On 24 sep, 12:13, Guillaume Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> geo fix works but not with 0 0.
> DDMS still not working.
> On 24 sep, 12:09, Guillaume Perrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried, like in v0.9 to use the telnet geo command:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet localhost 5554
> > Trying
> > Connected to localhost.
> > Escape character is '^]'.
> > Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
> > OK
> > geo fix 0 0
> > OK
> > Then I openened the menu in the standard map application -> My
> > location
> > -> "trying to determinate your location..." then "your location cannot
> > be determined [...]"
> > I remembered in v0.9 there was an icon for the gps location provider
> > in the status bar: it is now missing.
> > Then I tested ddms controls via eclipse.
> > I tried manual location, then on the emulator I clicked on my location
> > menu item again:
> > "trying to determinate your location..." then "your location cannot be
> > determined [...]"
> > I tried to load the sample2.kml in the kml tab of ddms controls, I
> > clicked on the play button then retested on the map application: the
> > same thing:
> > "trying to determinate your location..." then "your location cannot be
> > determined [...]"
> > Plus, mock location providers have been removed, so I am totally
> > desesperate...
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