sorry! there was a sideeffect i didn't see so far.
it works without uses-library, too!

what i havn't seen so far is that my build was, eventhrough it said
"success" not installed on the emulator. But when i edited the
it got properly reinstalled. My changed code was put on the device
just then,
so again: sorry for the misleading note!

On 29 Sep., 17:14, Jakob Sachse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> meanwhile I am astonished as well,
> I will again remove the tags and see... maybe i didn't consider
> something.
> On 29 Sep., 16:55, Mark Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jakob Sachse wrote:
> > > Still there was that tricky NoClassDefinitionFoundError, thrown by
> > > PathClassLoader. I was very unsatisfied then. Yesterday just before
> > > sleeping
> > > I had to think of the <uses-library> tag I have seen in combination
> > > with java.awt around here. I totally forgot that today, but when I was
> > > stuck
> > > with the same error today it came to me again. I inserted:
> > > <uses-library android:name="org.apache.commons.beanutils" />
> > > <uses-library android:name="java.beans" />
> > > just before </manifest> closes. Compiled, Installed and didn't really
> > > think of success, so i just hit F8 (debugging, run) all the time. I
> > > could hardly belive my eyes
> > > but the statemachine began working.
> > Very curious. I wonder what the scenarios are when <uses-library> is and
> > is not needed. For example, I have a sample in my book that uses a copy
> > of Beanshell that I locally compiled, and it works without
> > <uses-library>. I assumed <uses-library> was something magic for some of
> > Google's optional stuff -- I had missed the posts where it was used for
> > java.awt.
> > Thanks for the info!
> > --
> > Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> > _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.3 Published!
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