My app uses the status bar to handle notifications. It also sets an
extra string in the intent when a notification is generated. Consider
the following sequence of events:

1) First notification is generated. User clicks on the notification.
An activity of my app receives the intent looks at the extra string.
The app gets what it expects in the extra string.
2) The second notification is received.  User clicks on the
notification. My activity receives the intent but the extra string
(which is different this time) is the extra string from the first

Here is the code I use each time I generate a notification:
1) I create the notification intent at startup:

m_clickIntent = new Intent( Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
m_clickIntent.setClass( m_context, MyActivity.class);
m_clickIntent.setFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP |

2) I generate the first notification:

m_clickIntent.putExtra( "data", "first hello");
m_currentNotification = new
Notification( R.drawable.status_bar_message_image, "Test",
m_currentNotification.setLatestEventInfo( m_context,
m_context.getResources().getString( R.string.app_name), "Test",
PendingIntent.getActivity( m_context, 0, m_clickIntent, 0));
m_notificationManager.notify( APP_NOTIFICATIONS,

3) I generate the second notification:
m_clickIntent.putExtra( "data", "second hello");
... same code as for the first notification

I tried allocating the intent each time I generate the notification
but that makes no difference.

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