Hello, I just thought I'd post the solution to my problem for future

The reason I was getting null was because there were null content
The reason for my confusion was because when testing a unit test via
instrumentations the same behavior is not present.
In a live activity the content values cannot be null while inserting
via the provider.

This works:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
context.getContentResolver().insert(CONTENT_URI, values);

This does not work:
context.getContentResolver().insert(CONTENT_URI, null);

But both of these scenarios will work when running unit tests via
This behaviour does not seem to be orthogonally correct. Could this be
considered a bug?

On Sep 29, 5:58 am, hackbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fwiw, permission errors usually result in SecurityException errors
> being thrown back to the caller.  I don't know of a place where the
> system would throw a NullPointerException due to a permission problem.
> On Sep 28, 5:48 pm, chomchom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello, All my content providers are accessed via one over arching
> > provider that delegates to the others based on the contents of the URI
> > pattern matcher. So below just the one provider "RunBuddyProvider"
> > There are actually three smaller providers and I have taken steps to
> > encapsulate their functionality into one content provider. Interacting
> > with the providers via INSERT and QUERY works fine for the
> > instrumentation.
> > But when using live services that interact with activities I can only
> > use QUERY successfully. Using INSERT, I get:
> > ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4197): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due
> > to uncaught exception
> > ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4197): java.lang.NullPointerException
> > This suggests to me that the permission has not been granted for the
> > application trying to use the content provider. Has anyone used this
> > technique or anything similar with content providers? Is this just a
> > permissions issue from the Manifest? I would appreciate any comments
> > on the implementation.
> > Hearing that other people have had some success with this technique of
> > content provider delegation would put my mind at rest that it worked
> > and allow me to pursue the bug down the security issues side.
> > Can anyone offer any suggestions?
> > #
> > # In more detail, with code:
> > #
> > The delegating content provider is registered in the Manifest:
> >        <provider
> >             android:name=".provider.RunBuddyContentProvider"
> >             android:authorities="com.novoda.runbuddy" />
> > This then instantiates the factory which then delegates to the other
> > Providers based on the URI pattern matcher.
> > Th RoutesProvider is the providers I am using in this instance. When
> > instantiated; I call the provider to insert based on the query. But
> > this always throws an Uncaught Handler Exception.
> > # All the involved classes
> >http://code.google.com/p/runningbuddy/source/browse/trunk/RunningBudd......
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