This thread is better off being on [android-discuss].

Olaf Encke wrote:
>> Planned? My guess is no, only because few applications need charting and
> I beg to differ. I think a lot of business applications, science tools
> and even some system/network utilities could really benefit from a
> builtin charting api. It would make developing such applications a
> breeze and with consistent (and themeable) charting graphs Android
> would present itself as a prime business platform.

Sorry, by "few" I mean "few as a percentage of the overall market of 
applications". Few desktop applications need charting, as a percentage 
of the desktop applications that exist. Few Web applications need 
charting. Few mobile applications for other platforms need charting. 
Hence, I don't feel like I'm completely out of line to suggest that few 
Android applications will need charting.

Perhaps I'll be wrong, particularly if a robust charting API comes to 
life. I certainly won't quibble if that's the case.

> Since flash memory in mobile devices is now at 256-512 MiB standard I
> think an investment of 1-2 MiB for a lean charting API would be well
> worth it instead of each app developer struggling to create his or her
> own charts which thus wouldn't look consistent on a systemwide scale
> or resign from implementing charts alltogether, leaving a lot to
> desire in the resulting app usability. Just look at WinMob for a lot
> of bad examples.

Everybody and their sister has a claim out on what goes in that silicon. 
You want charting. Another guy wants infrared support. Others want a 
wider range of programming languages. Others want more Bluetooth 
profiles and a Bluetooth API. Others want video recording.

I'm not saying charting is necessarily more or less worthy than any of 
the other candidates. I am saying, though, that there are limits as to 
what the silicon can hold and what the core Android team can manage, 
particularly without heavy lifting from the community.

> Yes that would be one way to do it, but my goal would be for (most)
> all charts in Android applications to deliver a consistent user
> experience and the only way to make sure we'll come close to meeting
> it in my opinion would be to integrate one suitable charting engine
> into the Android core.

The first step is to either port a charting API to Android or build one 
from scratch. The second step is to get lots of applications to settle 
on it as their charting solution (probably easy, since it'll be the only 
one available). The third step is to propose it as a contribution to 
Android once it's open source, demonstrating its success in the 
marketplace and the valuable contribution it makes to the platform.

The sooner somebody with a charting itch to scratch starts in, the 
sooner you'll see your vision realized.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 2009

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