Did you set android:debuggable="true" in your AndroidManifest?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:26 PM, bhines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't seem to debug on the G1. "Run' works fine, but i can't get any
> debugger to connect. The app just hangs on 'Waiting for Debugger"
> The emulator works fine.
> This is on OS X 10.5.5 with Eclipse SDK 3.4.1. (standard install)
> The "Ignoring DDM send req " from dalvikvm looks suspicious to me.
> USB debugging is ON on the phone, and this affects all android apps...
> any ideas?
> I've tried all the things on
> http://code.google.com/android/kb/troubleshooting.html without
> success, as well as searched the archives.
> logCat output:
> D/AndroidRuntime(  479): >>>>>>>>>>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> D/AndroidRuntime(  479): CheckJNI is OFF
> D/dalvikvm(   59): GC freed 4815 objects / 385288 bytes in 344ms
> D/AndroidRuntime(  479): --- registering native functions ---
> I/jdwp    (  479): received file descriptor 16 from ADB
> D/dalvikvm(  108): GC freed 57 objects / 2400 bytes in 316ms
> D/ActivityManager(   59): Uninstalling process
> com.example.android.apis
> I/ActivityManager(   59): Starting activity: Intent { flags=0x10000000
> comp={com.example.android.apis/com.example.android.apis.ApiDemos} }
> D/AndroidRuntime(  479): Shutting down VM
> D/dalvikvm(  479): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-daemon threads to
> exit
> I/dalvikvm(  479): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM down
> D/dalvikvm(  479): HeapWorker thread shutting down
> D/dalvikvm(  479): HeapWorker thread has shut down
> D/jdwp    (  479): JDWP shutting down net...
> D/jdwp    (  479): +++ peer disconnected
> I/dalvikvm(  479): Debugger has detached; object registry had 1
> entries
> D/dalvikvm(  479): VM cleaning up
> I/ActivityManager(   59): Start proc com.example.android.apis for
> activity com.example.android.apis/.ApiDemos: pid=488 uid=10031
> gids={1006, 3003}
> D/dalvikvm(  479): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 541284 of 4194304 (12%)
> I/dalvikvm(  488): Ignoring DDM send req for type=0x41504e4d len=38
> I/dalvikvm(  488): Ignoring DDM send req for type=0x41504e4d len=52
> W/ActivityThread(  488): Application com.example.android.apis is
> waiting for the debugger on port 8100...
> I/System.out(  488): Sending WAIT chunk
> I/dalvikvm(  488): Ignoring DDM send req for type=0x57414954 len=1
> I/ActivityManager(   59): Stopping service:
> com.android.vending/.PackageMonitorReceiver
> $UpdateCheckinDatabaseService
> W/ActivityManager(   59): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake
> lock!
> W/ActivityManager(   59): Activity idle timeout for
> HistoryRecord{4318c480 {com.example.android.apis/
> com.example.android.apis.ApiDemos}}
> D/dalvikvm(  273): GC freed 667 objects / 42264 bytes in 77ms
> D/dalvikvm(  235): GC freed 1453 objects / 62552 bytes in 101ms
> >

Romain Guy

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