Am 18.06.2010 um 22:27 schrieb David Turner:

> there should not be a problem. Do you have a way to reproduce this (with 
> exact instructions, please).

I have a simple text file model.txt of 40MB.
"file model.txt" on the command line gives: ASCII Text, with very long lines.
The command I use to push the file, assuming that it is in the current 
adb push model.txt /sdcard/model.txt

I'm under ubuntu 10.04.

> Also what does "freeze" really means here ? Is the emulator still listed 
> through "adb devices" for example ? Can you do a "adb shell" to access it, 
> etc...

Yes, the emulator is still listed. I can access it using adb shell but I can't 
really use it because it is very slow. Not at all responsive.
The emulator window itself doesn't respond at all in the beginning. A little 
later it seems to become responsive but in the same way as the shell, so not 
really usable.

Maybe it is just really busy to copy the file. How long could it take to copy 
40MB? I'm waiting for 30 minutes without a result.

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