First off; I know the implementation of this should be discussed on
the framework list, but I'm putting this idea out on here to see if
there is a need for it.

I've recently worked on a project where the designer wanted a 2 x 3
grid of icons as the apps "home" page. This threw up an interesting
situation because to do this using the best resolution possible it
seems we would either need to copy the actual icons into multiple
directories, or create a resource alias file for each icon, neither of
which is ideal (think 30+ icons across the app which needed

What I'm wondering is if there is a need for a single file which
contains all of the resources to use within another resource
directory. To give you an idea of the problem I'll scale it down to 3
icons which have mdpi and hdpi variants;


As the Dell Streak is a WVGA device that identifies itself as a large-
mdpi device we wanted to use the -hdpi icons for it, but this would
result in three new files containing resource aliases;


What I'm wondering is should this be a single file which contains a
list of all the imports. For example;


which contains;

 <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon1.png</import>
 <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon2.png</import>
 <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon3.png</import>
< /imports>

This does away with the file-per-resource requirements of the current
configuration and it allows resources for multiple other directories
to be included because the source could refer to any other resource

So, do people think this would be of use, or have I missed something
which makes this whole idea obsolete?


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