> What I
> really don't like about it for example is that everytime I want to add
> a new activity, I have to change the Manifest.xml in addition. Then, a
> 'Resource is out of sync' message appears, sometimes till I restart
> the computer...that's really annoying...

Sometimes resources don't get updated automatically in Eclipse. This
seems to be a bug.

But instead of restarting your computer, in Eclipse it is sufficient
to choose "Project" / "Clean...".

Unless you have strong reasons to combine everything in a single
activity (large amount of shared data, require animation between
activities, ...) in the long run you will be better off by using the
mechanisms provided by the framework.

Note that the G1 is only the first device. I'm just phantasizing now,
but what if a future device features not only a "back" button, but
also a "forward" button to switch between activities? If you had hard-
coded the "back" button functionality, the "forward" button would fail
in your application. If you handed the logics to the framework,
everything would work fine, also in the future.

PS: It may seem strange and novel at first, but the intent passing
mechanism is really powerful, in the sense that part of your
applications can be reused or replaced by other applications if they
agree on the intents. Have a look at our intent registry:


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