Back when I originally wrote my app, I thought I could use some tricks
with TransitionDrawable to briefly highlight some rows in a ListView.
However, when I actually implemented this (a fading background), the
background would jump from item to item randomly.

As my knowledge of Android has progressed, I've learned why this no
longer works: the ListView uses optimizations and actually shuffles
rows around, so the row that I may have originally told to animate
ends up placed in a different spot by the time the ListView is

My question is whether there's a solution to this problem.  I've
thought of using a different view type, but that would only work if I
can turn *off* the view type for that row at the right time; since I'm
using a TransitionDrawable, there's no way for me (right now) to mark
once the animation is done.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a temporary fading
background on particular rows in a ListView?

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