i am trying to start a tts engine from a service which is started by a
BroadcastReceiver . The service starts but am not getting any sound. I
can see the log message as specified by Log.d in my prog and also get
the Toast messsage but no sound:

Recevier class :

public void onReceive(Context context,Intent intent)
context.startService(new Intent(context,"Service.class"));

Service class:

public static TextToSpeech mtts;
public void onStart(Intent intent,int startid)
            mtts = new TextToSpeech(getApplicationContext(),this);
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "From
Service",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();
            mtts.speak("Testing",TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
            Log.d("Serivce","Synthesis done")

the log message i get is:

STOP command without a player
06-26 19:11:00.281: DEBUG/MediaPlayer(52): Couldn't open file on
client side, trying server side
 ERROR/MediaPlayerService(30): Couldn't open fd for
ERROR/MediaPlayer(52): Unable to to create media player
WARN/NotificationService(52): error loading sound for
WARN/NotificationService(52): java.io.IOException: setDataSource
failed.: status=0x80000000
WARN/NotificationService(52):     at
 WARN/NotificationService(52):     at

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