I confirm the same issues on the emulator with API 2.2 and API 2.1
level 8, but it works ok with API 2.1 level 7.

-- Mathias

On Jun 27, 4:30 am, Malcolm <malcolm.mur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> Joining this discussion late.
> I hit a similar problem when developing on a Mac using Eclipse and a
> level 8 (SDK 2.2 plus Google APIs) target.
> I was using code like this, based on an example in Reto Meier's book
> Professional Android 2 Application Development
> -----------------------
> Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
>                 try {
>                         List<Address> addresses = 
> geoCoder.getFromLocation(latitude,
> longitude, 1); // maxResults
>                         StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
>                         if(addresses.size() > 0){
>                                 Address address = addresses.get(0);
>                                 for(int i=0; i < 
> address.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++){
> sBuilder.append(address.getAddressLine(i)).append("\n");
> sBuilder.append(address.getLocality()).append("\n");
> sBuilder.append(address.getPostalCode()).append("\n");
> sBuilder.append(address.getCountryName()).append("\n");
>                                 }
>                                 addressString = sBuilder.toString();
>                         }
>                 } catch(IOException e) {
>                         addressString = "Sorry address could not be 
> established\n" +
> e.toString();
>                 }
> -----------------------------
> The addressString value is displayed to the user via a TextView
> object.
> When running it on the emulator I alweays got a java.io.IOException:
> Service not Available
> Switching to an earlier level 7 target 8 (SDK 2.1 plus Google APIs)
> and redeploying the same code, the first time I ran it I got a more
> hopeful error "no address found" or similar, then after sending a
> location via the emulator, I got the full geocoded address correctly
> displayed.  I am thus in the situation like Kugelschlag - that
> geocoding on an emulator works in 2.1 (7) but throws an Io Exception
> in 2.2 (8).
> Malcolm :-)
> On Jun 8, 8:35 am, Richard <gunns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for a response ! As nobody else has anything to say I'm
> > stumped ;-)
> > Is it possible Google is blocking location services based on my ip's
> > geographic location (e.g. Australia) when using theemulator?
> > To repeat myself, I've tested it on AVDs:2.1&2.2using both API
> > level 7 & 8.
> > 2.1Level 7 Emulation
> > only lists GPS support
> > 06-08 17:30:38.330: DEBUG/LocationManager(197): getAllProviders
> > 06-08 17:30:38.330: VERBOSE/TripStart(197): Listing supported
> > providers
> > 06-08 17:30:38.341: VERBOSE/TripStart(197): ....gps supported
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):
> > isProviderEnabled got exception:
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):
> > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: provider=network
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):     at
> > com.android.server.LocationManagerService._isProviderEnabledLocked(Location 
> > ManagerService.java:
> > 1385)
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):     at
> > com.android.server.LocationManagerService.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager 
> > Service.java:
> > 1359)
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):     at
> > android.location.ILocationManager
> > $Stub.onTransact(ILocationManager.java:237)
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):     at
> > android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:287)
> > 06-08 17:30:38.351: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):     at
> > dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
> > 2.2Level 8 Emulation
> > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): Listing supported
> > providers
> > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....network supported
> > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....passive supported
> > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....gps supported
> > 05-31 01:50:14.421: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): java.io.IOException:
> > ServicenotAvailable
> > The app works on an HTC Desire but its a pain to develop & debug
> > without the aboveemulatorfunctionality.
> > Richard
> > On Jun 5, 10:24 am, Kugelschlag <davidscottbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I have seen the same issue when I updated from2.1and API Level 7
> > > (where it works) to2.2API Level 8 (where it doesnot).
> > > Seems to be in the level 8 package.  I also noticed quite a bit of
> > > slowdown in the map view scrolling after updating to2.2.
> > > Anybody else see this?
> > > Tested on Windows 7 using Eclipse.
> > > Kugelschlag
> > > On May 30, 7:50 pm, Richard <gunns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I have been unable to getreversegeocodingwokring under either2.1
> > > > or2.2on the emulators. Tested on both mac/eclipse & ubuntu/eclipse.
> > > > I am sending manual decimal coordinates via DDMS and have
> > > > ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION & INTERNET permissions in my manifest file.
> > > > On an actual phone (HTC Desire) it functions properly.
> > > > On2.2api level 8 Emulation
> > > > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): Listing supported
> > > > providers
> > > > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....network supported
> > > > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....passive supported
> > > > 05-31 01:49:14.990: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): ....gps supported
> > > > The following code throws the exception below
> > > > Location l = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
> > > > List<Address> list = geocoder.getFromLocation(l.getLatitude(),
> > > > l.getLongitude(), 1);
> > > > 05-31 01:50:14.421: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): getting last know location
> > > > Lat: -34:33:16.2 Lon: 151:34:30
> > > > 05-31 01:50:14.421: VERBOSE/TripStart(311): java.io.IOException:
> > > > ServicenotAvailable
> > > > On2.1api level 7 Emulation
> > > > 05-31 02:30:57.713: DEBUG/LocationManager(286): getAllProviders
> > > > 05-31 02:30:57.713: VERBOSE/TripStart(286): Listing supported
> > > > providers
> > > > 05-31 02:30:57.723: VERBOSE/TripStart(286): ....gps supported
> > > > as one one cant use the NETWORK_PROVIDER, it results in a
> > > > 05-31 02:30:57.753: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):
> > > > isProviderEnabled got exception:
> > > > 05-31 02:30:57.753: ERROR/LocationManagerService(64):
> > > > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: provider=network
> > > > I have been looking for docs on this and can find very little
> > > > information on the above to confirm whether it should or shouldnot
> > > > work.
> > > > I would be very grateful if someone could respond with some guidance
> > > > on this issue.
> > > > thanks.

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